To encourage support of our local businesses, the Hillsborough/Orange County Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a six-week gift card giveaway! The program will last from February 14th through March 28th. The gift card program will award six $25.00 gift cards per day and two $50.00 gift cards each week!
The Hillsborough/Orange County Chamber of Commerce will give away almost 200 gift cards during this time with a total value of $5,100.00! To be entered to win a gift card, start by shopping in a locally owned retail store, Wednesday through Sunday. To be eligible, you must make a purchase and post a photo of yourself in a retail location on Facebook with a positive comment about the store. Then, be sure to tag @Hillsborugh.chamber and use the hashtag #sharetheLOCALlove to be entered to win!
Sunday Feb 14, 2021 Sunday Mar 28, 2021
This program will benefit both retailers and restauranteurs, inspiring the community to #shoplocal, #supportlocal, and #sharethelocallove!