Legal Aid of North Carolina, Inc is a statewide non-profit, federally funded law firm that provides free legal services to low-income individuals and senior citizens on a variety of non-criminal legal issues. At the senior centers they can help prepare Simple Wills and other advance directives - Living Wills, Powers of Attorney and Health Care Powers of Attorney. During the first hour, 10 – 11 am, there will be a presentation on "Consumer Protection Law" when a Legal Aid attorney will address laws designed to protect you and your loved ones from: scams, identity theft, managing credit, unfair debt collection and elder abuse. After each presentation, the attorney will be available for questions and applications for individual assistance. If you cannot attend a workshop or have an urgent matter, call Melany Earnhardt, Esq. to schedule an appointment at Legal Aid of North Carolina, 919-533-2015.
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
4th Thu on alternate months
Thu, Jun 27 10 am
Passmore Center, 103 Meadowlands Drive, Hillsborough
Orange County Department on Aging
Terry Colville, email , phone 919-245-2016
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