" On June 3 at 7 AM, the Hillsborough Church of God Food Bank will have a fundraiser for construction of a new building for food storage. we invite you to be a part of this.
We are having a " trunk and food sale". If you are interested in being involved, please sign - up ASAP.
How it works:
- Sign up with Jessie who checks you in at the food bank or by phone.
- Gather your sale items ready with your prices.
- Put them in your trunk and bring them on June 3. You may bring a card table if needed.
- You sell your items and donate 10% of your sales back to the church.
Also, we will cook and sell breakfast and lunch on that day to provide more costumers for all of us!
Please text message Jessie at 919-906-0367 with your name and phone number to sign up. "
Saturday Jun 3, 2023
7:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Jessie 919-906-0367